founder of DynamicCatholic.com & author of Rediscover Jesus

Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles and Founder of Word On Fire
Learn how to make a mess, be a fool and evangelize the world.
Tired of the world not taking Christianity seriously?
We Christians claim to have a great message for the world. But if it’s so great, why are more people leaving the Church than joining? The message clearly isn’t getting through. We must be doing something wrong.
I’ve spent the last 12 years passionately sharing the life-changing truths of the Christian faith with others. As a student of the Information Age, I’ve been eager to use every means of communication to help the Church share her message. Over the years I’ve reached millions of people by developing various faith-based websites, blogs, and email lists, and by engaging a large audience through social media. And as the founder of Flocknote, an innovative communication tool for churches, I’ve now worked with thousands of churches worldwide to help them communicate their message. Through it all, I’ve experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to evangelization.
Along the way, I’ve made a lot of mistakes trying to share the faith with others — but I’ve also seen what works. That’s what this book is about.
Messy & Foolish presents a renewed vision for evangelization that will inspire you to quit the lesser pursuits of your life and accept nothing less than the joyful, adventure-filled, contagious life God intends you to live. And it holds the key to fixing our currently failing evangelistic efforts.
Pope Francis was right. It’s time to make a mess. It’s time to change the world. And we are just the fools to do it.
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About me (Matthew Warner)
I’m a hopeful fool and a mess-maker in the making. On a mission to build a more connected Church, I am the founder and CEO of Flocknote.com, an innovative communication tool helping thousands of churches and dioceses better connect with their flocks. You can find more of my writing at MatthewWarner.me. I have a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M and an M.B.A. in Entrepreneurship. My wife and I (and our four children) hang our hats in Texas, where we aspire to be simple farmers and good neighbors.